Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Princess and the pea...

In the lead up to Evie turning 3 it was time to finally close down the nursery for good and set up her bedroom. It was a bitter sweet milestone, as it means no more baby cuteness but also that our little baby has grown into a little girl and  that meant some fun for me designing her new room.

This was my inspiration picture of the sort of thing I had in mind, mainly the bed : ( ok, her actual room does not really look like this room at all, but you have to start somewhere)

Now, the challange as always was to acheive something pretty but on a budget.
This is what we created:

As this used to be the Beauty Room, I was really happy to leave the white paint and pretty green and pink wall paper and just work with those colours.

Her very own ensuite

Block out all memory from your mind the fact that she dressed herself in sneakers and socks with her dress. Lets just pretend that never happened.

Bed frame $39 from Ikea, I cut the head board off, sanded the base and spray painted it white

Bed Head $10 from a 2nd hand shop was cleaned, sanded then spray painted white

Bed Head ready for spraying.

The finished bed: Evie May loves her room!
Lou xo

1 comment:

  1. Looks gorgeous {except for the shoes}
    You have done such a great make over with the bed!
